Saturday 23 May 2009

Friday 22nd May 2009

If I brave a long walk with Ed in the buggy, I try to break up the journey with stops so as not to stretch the boy’s patience. This morning, I needed to go to the Vets for some anti-flea pills for our dog. We passed a park but the day was overcast and dank so I attempted the fifteen minute walk in one swoop.

By Devonshire Park Road, Ed was registering his discontent by taking off his shoe and lobbing onto the pavement. His sock followed shortly after.

Foreseeing a lot of stops where I stopped and wrestled with his foot as I haplessly sought to put the shoe and sock back on, I headed on to the Vets to complete the job. The lady who sold me the pills was sympathetic. ‘My five year old was once the same’, she said.

Coming back, the heavens well and truly opened. The nice traffic-free private road, Davenport Park Road seemed to provide a bit of respite from it. In Bramhall Lane, people hovered in shop fronts that most readily provided shelter. Pounding rain, noise from traffic and my bawling two year old kicking and thrashing against the rain cover combined to lowered the spirits. I pushed Ed to the sanctuary of the Funky Monkey Coffee Shop.

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